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關於 Zoomex

Founded in 2021, Zoomex operates a crypto asset trading platform with the most advanced technology and aims to lead the future of digital financial platforms around the world. Keen on the changing industry trends, Zoomex takes a step forward leveraging the company’s core competencies. The mission statement for Zoomex is to revolutionize the current industry and become a pioneer in the field. Now, Zoomex prepares to provide the most caring services to all traders, endeavor to create a playground for enthusiastic traders all over the world, so they could not only enjoy the profit, but also the process of utilizing all professional tools provided by Zoomex.

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中心化交易所通常指由公司或運營實體控制和管理的託管資產交易場所。 使用者需要將資產存入平臺才能開始交易。 在傳統金融領域,紐交所、納斯達克等證券交易所都是中心化交易所。 在加密貨幣行業,幣安、Coinbase和Kraken都是中心化交易所。 它們的運作方式類似於納斯達克,使用中央訂單簿模型來匹配交易並確定資產價格。
Zoomex 支持哪些法定貨幣?
Zoomex 當前支持 0 種,包括
Zoomex 的市值是多少?
Zoomex 當前的市場價值是 469